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Halloween Venus by George Petty
Here is a lovely Halloween witch by pin up artist George Petty (1894-1975). The long-legged "Petty Girl" mainly appeared in Esqui...
Danish Venus: Ekko by Aksel Hansen
Ekko (1888) The most famous bronze girl in Copenhagen is, of course, The Little Mermaid , the sculpture of which celebrates her one hundret...
Venus with Doves by François Boucher
Time for an actual Venus on Venus Observations today. This lovely study by Boucher uses, as was not uncommon, a classical title as an excu...
French Venus: Clémence Poésy for Lui
A few years ago striking French actress Clémence Poésy lamented her decision, as an eighteen year old, to appear topless in a film.. She sa...
Venus returns: Lui magazine relaunched in France - a review
It's back, with a lot of front! Classic French men's magazine Lui was relaunched last month, after a break of 19 years since the las...
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