
French Venus: Clémence Poésy for Lui

A few years ago striking French actress Clémence Poésy lamented her decision, as an eighteen year old, to appear topless in a film.. She said the director shouldn't have asked her to do that.  As a result the actress had a clause put in her film contracts that any topless shots were not to be used for publicity purposes.

So, what do we find in next month's Lui but Mlle Poésy posing wearing (just about) upmarket clothes and flashing her bust and bottom.  She has continued to appear naked in films and TV (such as the adaption of Sebastian Faulks' Birdsong).  She said of this that: "It would have been very wrong if there hadn’t been any nudity in Birdsong, because the relationship between my character and Eddie’s was all about sex."  

Anyway, Mlle Poésy,has a new TV series to promote as she is the female lead in the new Anglo-French crime thriller The Tunnel which is a subterranean re-make of the Danish-Swedish production The Bridge.  Triple P confesses that he hasn't been swept up in this wave of Baltic thrillers showing on British TV and, in fact, doesn't really like crime dramas but we may give this one a go just because of the presence of the lovely Clémence.

So, as we can see this sort of publicity works.  Mlle Poésy appears in Lui's November issue.  Agent Triple P reads about her appearing in The Tunnel,  looks it up and finds that the first episode is on the television this week.  We would have watched it too except it is on Sky and we refuse to give any money to Rupert Murdoch if we can avoid it.  The French don't get the series until next month, according to Lui.

Clémence's pictorial is much the most interesting in this month's Lui which continues, visually, in much the same vein as the first issue.  That is women's magazine-style photographs of skinny fashion models. The headline pictorial, of Mick Jagger's daughter, Georgia May, is shot by Terry Richardson in his usual dull, flat style.  She also doesn't reveal anything more than you can see on the cover; certainly unlike her older sister Elizabeth when she posed for Playboy a couple of years ago.