
August Venus: Corinna Harney

Corinna Harney August 1991

Yes, we know it's October but we have been travelling a lot (just back from Istanbul-some gorgeous women there!) and so the blog has had to wait. Nonetheless we will try to catch up in the next seven days before we may have to go abroad again.

So back to August for our review of that month's Playmates. A rather easier choice this month (meaning a less interesting selection overall). Corinna Harney from August 1991 wins for her cool watery centrefold and her delightfully dangling breasts: very tactile! She was later selected to be Playmate of the Year for 1992.

Jan Roberts from August 1962

A close runner-up was this striking photograph of Jan Roberts by Pompeo Posar. We like all the white which sets of Ms Roberts pale skin and peroxide hair perfectly. Look how cleverly the hanging kitchen utensils balance her angled leg.

Sharon Clark, August 1970

In contrast, we have the aggressive tan lines of 1970 offering Sharon Clark and her magnificent bottom.

Jean Manson, August 1974

Finally, the sexiest August centrefold has to be Jean Manson from 1974. From the period right in the middle of The Pubic Wars, Dwight Hooker cleverly captures her coyly covering up from the front whilst revealing her reflected labia from the rear in one of Playboy's more explicit centrefolds. Jean herself manages to look sweet and assertively slutty at the same time.

As we hinted, not a classic month but there are some cracking images to come for September!