We are desperately trying to catch up on our backlog of regular postings but these centrefold posts, in particular, take a long time to format. However, we are now in a position to present March's example which has partly been chosen to be less in depth; for the simple reason that their is not much information on this lady.
So it is back to Penthouse from March 1977 and the (initially) smiling face of Jolanta von Zmuda as photographed by Bob Guccione. This lovely study was ommitted from the UK version of the pictorial.
Jolanta actually features on the cover too which was not always the case for the Pet of the Month. It's a lovely cover, lit up by her smile and dominated by that nice slice of rump at the bottom centre. Penthouse had stopped showing nipples on the cover in May 1976.
There is something faintly Great Gatsby about some of these opening shots, done in Guccione's characteristic soft-focus style. Not all Pets were truly beautiful but Jolanta was, as these lovely portraits show.
Guccione can't resist inserting some of his signature flowers in the picture, although this time they are white rather than the usual red blooms.
Penthouse hadn't had one of it's Pets of the Month smiling for some time so Jolanta's shots are very welcome.
Jolanta, according to the text accompanying the pictorial, was a twenty-one year old from Gdansk in Poland and certainly possesses that icy Baltic freshness. She could do sultry too...
She had a curvy 36-23-36 figure which looks quite possible (sometimes Penthouse's claimed statistics for their girls looked totally wrong given the figure of the young lady in question).
This picture must have been deemed too strong for the UK edition as it didn't appear in it but it features another lovely smile.
After the very soft-focus, romantic pictures that had appeared at the beginning of the pictorial the aggressive spread leg shots are something of a surprise.
This final picture from the magazine pictorial, in particular, was very strong for Penthouse in 1977, as it appears to show Jolanta with aroused labia.
We have read one comment to the effect that she may have been in Rome for the filming of Caligula but we haven't seen her on screen in any of the many versions of the film and she certainly doesn't have a screen credit.
Here are some more of Jolanta from the same session. Even though the pictures were published in the magazine in 1977 it has been said that they were actually taken in 1975. Given the way that Penthouse worked this would have meant that Jolanta would not have received her fee until publication. A long wait.
We have read one comment to the effect that she may have been in Rome for the filming of Caligula but we haven't seen her on screen in any of the many versions of the film and she certainly doesn't have a screen credit.
Here are some more of Jolanta from the same session. Even though the pictures were published in the magazine in 1977 it has been said that they were actually taken in 1975. Given the way that Penthouse worked this would have meant that Jolanta would not have received her fee until publication. A long wait.
If they were taken in 1975 then the bold genital shots featured here could not have been published in the magazine at the time. Maybe this was one of the reasons that the pictures were delayed. Maybe Guccione wanted to publish these as shot and waited until it was possible.
These ones are all really about Jolanta's prominent genitals and Guccione must have been particularly taken with this bit of Jolanta's anatomy as they feature in so many of these extra pictures.
Just over a year after the pictures appeared in Penthouse Jolanta took Guccione to court, suing him for $4million. She alleged he drugged her and forced her into sexual activity and a "lurid photo session" as the Ottawa Citizen put it on July 20th 1978.
Of course this begs the question why she didn't sue him earlier, especially if the shoot was in 1975, or was she holding out for the money owed her? She claimed Guccione ran the pictures without her consent and that the accompanying article attributed fabricated statements to her. Did she really believe that the quotes attributed to models in such magazines were real?
One of these comments, in particular, caused her trouble as the piece said that she had aristocratic blood and if it hadn't been for the Polish communists she would have been a countess. Triple P knows a Czech lady with an aristocratic background and her family lost everything when the communists took over after World War 2 so it could have been true. Whatever, Jolanta, suing under her real last name of Duchi, said that as a result of this statement the Polish authorities refused her mother a visa to visit her in the US.
We assume that Jolanta didn't win her case, or maybe it was settled out of court. Unlike other actions against Guccione we haven't been able to track down any proceedings in the case.
So, not surprisingly, she never appeared in Penthouse again which is a shame as we like her beautiful smile (she doesn't look drugged) and, indeed, her toothsome pussy.