We have seen a few pictures of our December (we've nearly caught up) centrefold Lynn Partington on one of our early posts on the Pubic Wars but here is her whole pictorial from December 1971's Penthouse.
Lynn's cover picture features the first bare bottom to appear on the cover of Penthouse.
Berine Cornfeld knows that money can buy anything, however ugly you are!
Her pictorial was shot by Bob Guccione himself at financier Bernie Cornfeld’s 12th century French Chateau.
Cornfeld was a friend of both Bob Guccione and Playboy’s Hugh Hefner. The only time the two met was at one of Cornfeld’s Hollywood parties. Guccione was polite to Hefner who, in return, snubbed him completely. They never spoke again.
There are some typical Guccione touches in her pictorial including out of focus foreground elements; taken to extremes here.
Considering Guccione always wanted his girls to appear as if they were unaware of a hidden voyeuristic viewer spying on them, there is an unusual amount of eye contact with the camera in this pictorial.
It's also nice to see a smile even if Lynn has to compete with another Guccione trademark; a big flower!
According to the accompanying text Lynn was 5'5" tall, measured 35-21-35 and came from Sale in Cheshire. Whether any of that is accurate is unknown, of course.
What we do know about her was that before she posed for Penthouse she was actually a bunny girl in the London Playboy Club something the text, of course, fails to mention.
Lynn was in a TV studio in 1968 when she met cheesy Radio 1 disc jockey Tony Blackburn, who had been filming his show Time for Blackburn in Southern TVs studios in Southampton. Overwhelmed by her leggy loveliness he offered her a lift back to London in his brand new E-Type Jaguar. They stayed together for two years.
They broke up shortly after she moved in with him. He had to get up early to present his morning radio show and she was out until the small hours in nightclubs. One day he had gone down to the West Country to do a personal appearance and when he returned she had gone for good. She didn't telephone or leave a note; just left her bunny ears and tail on the bed! She later went out with singer Jack Jones and now lives in America.
At this point Penthouse and Playboy were in the early stages of what would become the Pubic Wars. Lynn's pictorial included six pictures where she was flashing her fur; a record for both magazines.
Lynn's loveliness is such that she can even hold your attention when having to compete with two out of focus flowers in the foreground which make it look like she is having giant truffles thrown at her.
This is Triple P's favourite picture from the shoot and not just because he has always wanted to live somewhere with a spiral staircase in it. Lynn looks moodily magnificent; looking defiantly high maintenance and difficult to please. A challenge, certainly!
This picture is also remarkable as in it Lynn shows a glimpse of her outer labia; another first for Penthouse. This area had been absolutely taboo for the men's magazines and any hint of labia were airbrushed out. It wouldn't be until 1973 that other examples of this area being revealed would appear.
In 1972 Lynn appeared in this advertisement for Akai's groundbreaking video recorder. If you shelled out $1,295 for it they threw in a film session with a Penthouse Pet! Bargain! Although it should be borne in mind that a brand new Ford Pinto only cost $2,078! I wonder if Lynn ever had to do a filming session?
In 1973 Lynn was up for Pet of the Year with four other girls (Patricia Barret (top left on the cover above) won eventually, although she wouldn't have been Triple P's choice. Lynn's picture on the cover (bottom centre) was also a barrier-breaker as you could just glimpse a little corner of her pubic hair on it; the first time this had appeared on a nationally distributed magazine in the US.
Inside there were two additional pictures of Lynn. The first of these was a nice portrait of her smiling from the same window she had hung her bottom out of for her original cover shot.
The second, and our final look at Lynn, is this bold legs apart shot which is the full version of the cropped picture on the cover. What a fantastic creature!